Tuesday, May 10, 2011

{It WaS GreAT To hEAR YouR VoiCeS}

Hey guys!

Things are good! (since sunday) it was great to hear your voices! Can`t believe marsh man sounds like an old man already. But really the only thing to write about today is the experience we had in the temple today...we had planned to go in a rented bus but he called last night telling us that he couldn`t go. So we had to call everyone really late and then some people didn`t show up this morning but it all worked out. I had a good experience there and it really gave me the desire to go to work. I feel blessed to be here learning so much still. I really am excited about these months that are coming. I hope i get to train again within the next couple changes. I think that would be a good experience.

The members here really are incredible. We are going to visit the familia Remice on thursday night. Unfortunately right now none of our investigators are really progressing. It can be frustrating but more than anything i just want to leave Chorrera knowing that I worked hard. The people all have their agency and we have to respect that.

I love you all thanks for your support. Pray for me this week! I need it.

Mucho love,
Elder Henrie

ps sorry the emails short...i have been trying to load photos but this computer doesn`t want to read my card

Hey mom!
It was really great to hear your voice! A lot has happened this weekend that was really needed to get me going again. Like you said there are some tough moments...but this weekend our bishop gave us a blessing, I talked to my family, and we went to the temple! The temple was awesome today! I felt that i need to finish everything that i`ve started...i felt peaceful and like God wants me to make sacrifices in these coming months. I opened up the Book of Mormon in the temple and it opened to the exact chapter that i`m reading in my studies. Alma 62. I feel like it was what i needed to read. I liked Moroni`s excitement when he found out that Pahoran was still faithful and that he hadn`t been a traitor. I realized that i need to keep being faithful and not change track now.The assistants told me that next change might be tough because of the changes but president told them i would be able to handle it. Whatever comes to Chorrera i feel ready to serve and happy to be here. It`s a huge blessing!
Yesterday was good...we met with an investigator named Ozman...he isn`t really progressing but he wants to get baptized haha but it would probably be good if he went to church first don`t ya think?
Thanks for everything mom i love you!I
Elder Henrie

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