Monday, December 28, 2009

{The AiRPorT}

Tanner called us from the Atlanta airport! It was so wonderful to talk to him. Because his gum graft was unsuccessful, and the tooth was not anchored into any bone, it was decided on December 23rd to just pull the tooth. The periodontist also grafted some bone into his jaw, and re-did the gum graft. This way, he won't have to worry about his tooth needing a root canal. The periodontist anchored the top part of his tooth to his permanent retainer, but told us that it would likely not remain there long, and that he would most likely end up with a lower gaping hole in place of his front tooth. We will have a dental implant put in when he returns. He was so happy, a bit restless, and VERY excited to get on the plane to Panama. He said that he LOVED the MTC. Actually, he said that it was the best two months of his life!!! We love him so much. It was a bit painful to talk to him, as I know that I won't be able to hear his voice until Mother's Day... but he is on his way, and so happy to be where he is!!!

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