Tuesday, May 25, 2010

{SomeTHinG to HelP ThaT DaY}

Imagen 001

Imagen 003

Imagen 002

Word. (I really don't know why Tanner says this--- but it apparently has deep meaning to him ;)
Hey all! I loved the emails this week! It´s been a good week...we are having some success in finding people to teach. We found an awesome family of three last night that is really positive. And we set a baptismal date with a young lady named Veronica and her daughter Valentina. Valentina is only 11 but she understands the doctrine really well and she is way cute! Their baptismal date is June 12...which will be a great day to have it i think. It will be something to help that day.
We went to zone conference this week in Chorrera. So we had to get up at 3 in the morning to make it there and we didn´t get back until about ten at night. It was a really good conference though. I had to say goodbye to Hermana Madrigal...that was really tough. She has been so incredible. But I´ll still have an interview with Presidente Madrigal this week before he heads out. They are leaving after this change and the new President (President Ward) will get started.
Sounds like a lot of stuff happened there this past week...I really loved J Dub´s story about watching the kids hahaha. But I was offended by his French. ¿No sabes hermano que el español es el idioma más prity que existe? Bien. Oh and know that when I get back i´m sure i´ll have no trouble breaking the 175 barrier. I could never get passed 160 in high school...but now...
And y´all bought a new car?! Sweet! But I think whats even better is that libby has a new violin. Did she grow out of her last one already? But it was so big!
I hope things are going well up north where it´s snowing. I am really enjoying Santiago. The members are awesome! the church is super true!
Chao familia!
Con amor,
Elder Tanner
Oh and tell grandma I got her package and thanks a ton!

Some sweet photos of Bocas town. Bet you didn´t know that they teach us karate in the MTC!

Monday, May 17, 2010

{Now OuR HouSE is CleaN aT LeaST}

Hey fam!
This week has been good...things are improving. Yesterday we had a crazy rain storm...probably the biggest one i´ve seen here in Panama so far. We didn´t have church because of the census and the we went out to work at eleven. It started raining at about two and there were about five or six houses that were flooded in our neighborhood. So we went over to help clean up (bathroom water...mmm). And then went back to our house to get changed. We opened the door to a really nice surprise...our house was loaded with water too! Haha...still not sure how it happened...seeing as how our apartment is on the second floor and all the walls and everything were dry. So we then spent the night cleaning up our house. It was fun! Now our house it clean at least...
I had a cool experience on a bus this week. I contacted this kid named Antonio on the way to Chitré...he´s about 22 years old. After talking to him for a while we had to get off. I felt like i needed to give him a Book of Mormon (which i´ve never done before in a contact...we don´t have enough to give out like that) but I gave him a pamphlet instead. I kind of regreted it after getting off the bus. And then we spent P Day in Chitré playing soccer. Afterwards we got on the bus to head back to Santiago. And what do you know...Antonio hops on the bus right as we´re about to leave. He came and sat by me and I was really relieved to be able to give him the Book of Mormon. He lives really far away...but you never know. Usually God doesn´t give us two chances to talk to people...but I think Antonio really needed it. It really strengthened my testimony that God is really guiding the work around the whole world. It was a neat experience.
Thinking about what dad said about mercy and justice makes me think of Alma talking to his son corianton about sin. And how if there were no punishment for sin we would all be hardcore ´pecadores´...sinners for all y´all who are still learning spanish. I´m glad we have commandments. The world would be crazy if we didn´t have a path to follow.
i love you all!
Elder Tanner

Hey ma!
I hope everything is going well in the Utah...Santiago is good. The people are great and we´ve got some very positive investigators. And things are getting there with my companion. It sounds like the family is doing well. And normal news for me can at times be good news. Libby looks so big already! It´s crazy to see photos of her...haha. Oh and ps I got that package that you sent me when we went to immigrations! Thanks a ton! I´m going to destroy those muffins. And I love the photo frame it´s really cool.
I love you mom...thanks for your prayers. I know that the hard times we go through are worth it and they don´t last long at all when we compare them with the blessings that God has waiting for us.
To my buddies Nate and Will...
I can´t believe you´re graduating! I feel like I graduated yesterday...the time goes so fast.
I´m really happy for both of you. I feel lucky to have the family that we´ve got. There are a lot of families that aren´t blessed like we are. Stay strong in the gospel. It really is everything. There are plenty of times when we don´t recognize it...but the gospel really is everything. It´s the only way to be happy in this life.
Felizidades primos!!
Mom...have a killer time in Arizona...don´t go to crazy with your friends haha. Te amo mucho!
Elder Tanner

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

{WiTh Me EverY SteP}

Right on...so i guess i´ll be writing you monday today haha. I don´t know why. Today we´re going to play some sweet futbol...i´m actually really good now haha. Things are going well. Remember how I talked to y´all yesterday so there´s really not much news...
I received a letter today from my mission president that one of my assignments this change is to help out my companion. I´m not going to lie to you all it´s going to be tough. I´m not sure where to start. He´s a good person...he really is. And he´s had some tough experiences. However, our past doesn´t really effect the desicions we make with regards to obedience to God´s commandments. I don´t know whether to be a little harsh to get the point accross or to try and do it really patiently and with love.
The mission is really sweet. Everyone has their challenges. Everyone has different things to deal with. I know that God is with me every step. I know that obedience brings the spirit and i can feel its absence when someone does something out of line.
We have no investigators right now. And the members don´t trust us. It´s time to change some stuff haha.
I love you all. Pray for me. I am glad i´m a missionary for Jesus Christ and I know I´ll be grateful for what comes out of the tough times. Tell Matt Jackson that portugues es bien...bien feo. Spanish is where it´s at!!!
Con mucho amor de Santiago,
Elder Tanner

Letters between Dad & Tanner:

Estimado Tanman, sorpresa del día de la madre.

Sólo quería ver si esto podría work…see si mi español es conseguir que cualquier buena. Me avisas. Fue muy bueno escuchar de usted, usted de sonido gran. Esperamos que todo está bien. Sabemos que nos love you y rezar para usted.

Amor, Papá

Jaja papá
Su español es buenísimo! Qué sorpresa fue verlo...te amo mucho padre. Gracias por su ayuda y su ejemplo para mí. Usted realmente es la roca de la familia nuestra. Siga rogar por mí por favor. No te preocupes demasiado...peudo hacerlo. dale pues...
te quiero mucho hombre,
Elder Tanner

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

{ThiS WeeK Has Been TouGH}

Alright family!
Hey yall im in Santiago! I left El Empalme at 700 sunday night...got to Panama at about 500am, and then left for Santiago and got here around 530. It was really tough saying goodbye to El Empalme. Its such a sweet area. And Elder Poli was an incredible companion. I am definitely going to miss him this change. My new companion is Elder Abarca, from El Salvador. He seems pretty cool, but lets just say i am used to hardcore obedience...This change could be a challenge in that respect. Actually i am kinda worried ha. But i will keep doing all i can.
Yeah im way excited to call all of you this Sunday! Thats nuts because i just talked to you from the airport haha. But things are going fast. Erick Sera was baptized the last day of the change in El Empalme. It was so awesome! He is going to be a missionary soon if he keeps going in the direction he is headed. It was really hard for me to say goodbye to the branch president there and the members. But it was satisfying to hear him and his wife feeling grateful for what the Lord has done in El Empalme the last couple months. I feel good about everything that happened there.
Me and Elder Poli had a great two changes. I think it would be tough to beat. We had eight baptismal dates when i left! I hope all of those people will make it and be able to enjoy the blessings of this Gospel. I am so worried about the people in Empalme right now. I really think it will take a few days to get really focused here in Santiago.
I really like the new area. The water in the shower is only really cold...not freezing cold. And we have TWO fans! How sweet! It seems like we are going to have to work bigtime to be able to see baptisms here. But i hope we can do everything we can to change Santiago.
I love you all a lot! I am having a good time on the mission...with the ups and the downs haha. Spanish is sweet. The people rock. My testimony continues to grow. And everything keeps moving and changing. That is what i like about the mission. It is always different. Once you get comfortable...you get moved.
Family, the church is true. Families are for sure eternal. I love you all and I love this gospel. A lot of people walk past the truth every day without knowing what they are missing. Be grateful for it. Be grateful that God has given us His word through the mouths of His prophets in the scriptures. Study them! Pray as a family every night and have family home evenings!
Have a good week! I will call you Sunday! Thats weird...
Con MUCHO amor,
Elder Tanner

Hey mom!
i love you!
This week has been tough. I did not want to leave empalme. I found out one of my roommates from the MTC got sent home which seriously was tough. And now i am chilling in Santiago. I know that our mission president receives revelation on where we are supposed to go...so its time to start the work here! Should be sweet! Just pray for me that ill have the strength to make it through the tough times.
I love the Gospel. I love the church. It is way true. I am excited to start teaching here with Elder Abarca. He is a really good teacher and knows the scriptures really well. As long as we can get the Spirit to be with us...everything will go well.
I love you a lot mom and I think about you every day. You are in my prayers. Be happy!
Te amo mucho,
Elder Tanner