Monday, October 25, 2010

{i'M TryinG to fiGuRe tHinGs out hEre}

Ok Familia!
What`s up?! This week has been rad. Thanks for all the emails...oh guess what we killed some more mice this week. Me and Elder Poli were both going at it with brooms and i finally nailed it! It kinda exploded haha
I have a sweet experience to tell you all...we were contacting near the church at night and this lady named Carmen came to the door. We didn`t present ourselves right off...but we just asked her if she new a family around there...people seem more receptive after they have helped you find someone haha. Anyway we started talking about the church and she said she already was in a church and really didn`t seem receptive...but instead of moving on we started asking her questions and found out that her brother had committed suicide about a month earlier. So we sang her a hymn on her front porch and started talking about the plan of salvation. It`s amazing how she changed from being so unreceptive at the beginning to so interested at the end. We left a good spirit there.
Oh and yesterday on the bus we were with the two elders from Caimitillo and i told the bus driver to turn off the music so we could share a message. We shared some of what we believe and sang a hymn for them...really awesome day
Also...we`ve been working super hard to find families. And we managed to bring one to church on sunday. la familia estrada! Sweet familiy. We`re going to try to set a baptismal date for november. They are such an awesome family. Yesterday we were talking to the husband...Juan Carlos...and he said he really likes the church and he has prayed about it and felt like he received his answer that it is true. His family has changed a lot and he has really been prepared by God for this moment. And his wife, Vielci, works the night shift. She got home sunday morning and then went to church with us. ANd their daughter, Genesis, is way awesome and she understands really well. Genesis is 10 and they also have a 1 year old boy named john marco. AWESOME family!
Alcalde Diaz has been struggling a lot these last couple months. There were no baptisms in september and one in october...but we are doing our best. I still feel like i`m trying to figure things out here. It`s an awesome area though. We have a lot of new missionaries in our we have three trainers. They are really good missionaries. I love it here. It`s really different from my other areas...
hey so i`m really excited to wear the new shirts this week now that i`m at a year...super glad that i saved them! This year has gone by really fast. I need to improve a lot of things this year. I feel like the mission has changed me a lot but there are still a lot of things i need to do. I read a talk about the difference between sacrifice and consecration...about how a lot of missionaries think of it as a sacrifice to come here when really the blessings that are received out weigh the sacrifice a million to one. It has definitely been a good year and i`ve got twelve more awesome months ahead!
The church is true...i`m about to finish the book of mormon this week...really a good book.
Love you all!
Elder Henrie

Hello there! My teeth are good i gums around the one that i had surgery are receeding a bit but....what can ya do? I`m eating as healthy as possible in panama. And i did lose some weight in Santiago...and there are SOOOOOO many gnarley hills in Alcalde Diaz....i don`t really have a solid six pack anymore but i`m not really that fat. Elder Poli tells me i`m fat all the time but he doesn`t even know.
That`s sweet that you`re going on a field trip! Can you believe it`s halloween already?! Too bad it`s not really celebrated here in Panama haha i guess while we`re contacting people we`ll ask them for candy haha
The gospel is changing lives here and it`s sweet! Love you mom take care!
Elder Henrie

Thursday, October 21, 2010

[PrAy for PaNaMa!]

Oh family,
Hello! So Devan`s going to Taiwan?! That`s nuts! Tell him congratulations for me! Yeah it is sweet to be with Elder Poli again. This week went pretty well. We had a rough day saturday haha only all of our appointments fell haha. Dad...i`m jealous you got some good biking in...but i`ve got a lot of good walking in in our area...there are so many hills. My legs are super solid now! Fernando is doing good. His parents live in Colon. And they`re kind of opposed to his baptism. But he`s doing good...reading the book of mormon and praying and getting ready. The temple excursion sounded sweet! What an awesome surprise for your birthday j dub!
this week we had an interesting experience with some dogs. we were walking back to the house one night and there were about six or seven dogs hanging out in the street by our biggie...they weren`t doing anything. So we passed through them without problems. And then, all of a sudden they started barking hard core at us. Luckily Elder Poli was in front of me and i was the one who was going to get eaten. So they all started coming in on me and I kicked one of them in the face! haha seriously i wasn`t about to get bit by a dog again. Did i tell you I got bit in Santiago? haha well i did! They really didn`t like it that i kicked there buddy...but i didn`t again because they wouldn`t leave me alone. Man i nailed that dog! Haha i felt kinda bad but i didn`t want to die. And then the owner came out and called them and we managed to get out of there...haha really intense experience! And then we got home and heard something moving around in the garbage bag...just a couple mice. So i got out the broom and started chasing them and smacking them. I managed to get one with the broom and i stepped on the other one! Hahaha it was kinda gross.
this week Elder Falabela from the seventy came to machete us and tell us to look for families! It was soooo awesome! He gave such a powerful message in zone conference and i think the mission is going to be able to reach the goal of 1000 baptisms in one year for the first time ever! Sweet! Our zone is struggling a bit. There were no baptisms last month and not a lot of baptismal dates this month. But we`re working hard and trying to get things moving! Pray for us so we can find a family to baptize! Pray for Panama!
well fam i love you! Keep on keepin` on!
Elder Henrie


i don`t know who took the other picture...kinda blurry but its Elder Falabela and his wife with our zone! Ofi!


elder Chevez and Elder Poli! Elder Chevez had a rough time with his comp after i left and they ended up having emergency changes...but hes doing good now! Two awesome comps right here!


Can`t even tell you how much fun this dart board is!

Monday, October 11, 2010


I dont know what to tell you all about this week. Me and Elder Poli are companions! hahaha yes! Again! The assistant went off to the islands in San Blas to open a new area...Elder Poli`s comp, elder Cook, went up to assistant, and I took his place with Elder Poli haha really nuts. I had emergency changes on wednesday night and i`m now in Alcalde the area of La Cabima! Really a crazy week. I feel really inadequate to be a zone leader but i`ll do my best haha. I still feel like i wasn`t even ready to be a district leader.
Not gonna lie i kinda just skimmed through the letters and i printed them off to read later because i have a lot to write. I`m elder Poli`s comp...hahaha!!! I feel like i`m back with my brother after six months of not being with him! Dang it`s sweet....we`ve already seen lots of miracles.
Here`s a few..
My first day we gave a blessing to a member who fed us lunch. She`s having liver problems and she`s pretty sick. I annointed her and when elder poli said `we seal this annointing` i honestly felt the power of the priesthood in that moment. I felt like God was working through us to seal what we had done. It was an incredible experience.
Later we went to a young girl`s house with her boyfriend. The boyfriend, Dario, and the young girl Angie, are both members and they`re living together. they`re both 18 and having problems. We talked about repentance and the atonement and talked a little strong with them. Angie felt really bad and was crying and said she wanted to fix things. Afterwards we went and talked to her mom about the whole situation. It has been hard on her. But we left her mom`s house and there was angie outside the house waiting to talk to her mom. we really felt the power of the atonement. We still have some work to do with them. Moral of the good in high school. What was taught in conference about how sin is always followed by tears is true.
Ok...and we found this kid named Fernando...his parents are from china and he`s the best investigator i`ve ever met! He`s already reading the book of mormon and has been to church a few times. He`s 19 and we taught him for the first time on Saturday. We put a baptismal date right then for the 30 of October and he accepted it! He started crying and gave us both a hug! Hahaha he`s such a stud. when he talks about how he feels when he reads the book of makes me feel incredible! The gospel is true eh?
It`s been a sweet week full of miracles and lots of changes in the mission. I feel really weird. Kinda bummed that i wont see the baptisms in La Chorrera but that`s all good. Oh and we found a family yesterday! I think Elder Poli and I make a good team haha God`s blessing us a ton already!
I love you all have an incredible week! I think about you and pray for you every day!!
Con mucho amor
elder Henrie

Hey! Thanks for writing me...Tell mikelle and her mom hello for me! Christmas huh? i don`t know how it`s Christmas already. If you could maybe send me some new pants that would be sweet i think i`m a size 33 or 34 waist...and length i don`t know but my pants look stupid because they`re really faded.
Maybe for my comp...i really dont know...some ties??? haha no sè.
I love you mom thanks for everything!
Elder son

Monday, October 4, 2010

{a TestiMony oF the poWer of Fasting}

General conference was sweet huh! I loved it! I liked Elder Holland´s talk about his mission. It made me realize the sacrifice`s that parents make so that their kids can serve missions. I am sure i don`t know about a lot of the sacrifice`s that you make and are making for me while i`m here! So thank you...i also learned a lot about patience and gratitude...which has been good because this change with my companion has been one about patience...lots of it. He`s really a good guy...just needs to learn obedience. There`s only two weeks left in this change
I was seriously bummed when conference ended...and i don`t remember that ever happening in my life! haha priesthood session was always the hardest. I remember one time I weaved my headphones into my tie so i could listen to music during priesthood session. J Dub noticed and when he got up to go to the bathroom he pulled my headphones out! haha oh man but this weekend flew by! It was a super powerful conference. Our investigator, Carlos Alemàn has been having lots of doubts. We fasted for him and took him to conference and he felt way better! Really a testimony of the power of fasting. My `miracle of the week` for mom haha. It`s true that if you work for miracles and have can see them every day in your mission...but if you try to work by yourself and don`t have sirve.
Oh and Luis, another investigator who will be baptized soon...showed up in a shirt and tie! Oh man he looked good! I was so excited for him! Just a few weeks ago he was partying...and now he`s just a stud!
I`ll be honest though...baptisms don`t mean success. I feel like we could baptize 100 people but if we didn`t work for it and we didn`t have the spirit it doesn`t mean anything to me.
Mom..for Christmas...i`d like some...i dunno. Send me a package. Hahaha it doesn`t even matter if it has anything in it. Packages are just awesome. I honestly don`t need anything. My shoes work. I have clothes and food. And the book of mormon haha i`m set...
And i think i forgot your other question...oh yeah i did replace my camera but i forgot it today haha sorry. i`ll try and get some photos your way.
I think that`s about it for this week. It`s been a good week because conference was awesome! I`ll definitely be going over notes until it comes out in the Liahona haha
I love you all! The church is way true!
Elder Henrie

I hit I year this month. Call Panama and tell them I can`t leave haha. I`m scared for the second year because everyone tells me it goes faster...but i`ll just have to work more and try to be more obedient to the commandments so i can come home with no regrets.
Thanks for everything mom. Thank you for all of the sacrifices that i know you make for me. I love you. Your example keeps me going. I hope to be a parent like you someday. Looking back...i`m really grateful for the times that you did say no...or tried to and i was stubborn haha. I know you`re always looking out for me. And i`m really grateful for that!
Te amo mucho!
Elder Son