Monday, October 4, 2010

{a TestiMony oF the poWer of Fasting}

General conference was sweet huh! I loved it! I liked Elder Holland´s talk about his mission. It made me realize the sacrifice`s that parents make so that their kids can serve missions. I am sure i don`t know about a lot of the sacrifice`s that you make and are making for me while i`m here! So thank you...i also learned a lot about patience and gratitude...which has been good because this change with my companion has been one about patience...lots of it. He`s really a good guy...just needs to learn obedience. There`s only two weeks left in this change
I was seriously bummed when conference ended...and i don`t remember that ever happening in my life! haha priesthood session was always the hardest. I remember one time I weaved my headphones into my tie so i could listen to music during priesthood session. J Dub noticed and when he got up to go to the bathroom he pulled my headphones out! haha oh man but this weekend flew by! It was a super powerful conference. Our investigator, Carlos Alemàn has been having lots of doubts. We fasted for him and took him to conference and he felt way better! Really a testimony of the power of fasting. My `miracle of the week` for mom haha. It`s true that if you work for miracles and have can see them every day in your mission...but if you try to work by yourself and don`t have sirve.
Oh and Luis, another investigator who will be baptized soon...showed up in a shirt and tie! Oh man he looked good! I was so excited for him! Just a few weeks ago he was partying...and now he`s just a stud!
I`ll be honest though...baptisms don`t mean success. I feel like we could baptize 100 people but if we didn`t work for it and we didn`t have the spirit it doesn`t mean anything to me.
Mom..for Christmas...i`d like some...i dunno. Send me a package. Hahaha it doesn`t even matter if it has anything in it. Packages are just awesome. I honestly don`t need anything. My shoes work. I have clothes and food. And the book of mormon haha i`m set...
And i think i forgot your other question...oh yeah i did replace my camera but i forgot it today haha sorry. i`ll try and get some photos your way.
I think that`s about it for this week. It`s been a good week because conference was awesome! I`ll definitely be going over notes until it comes out in the Liahona haha
I love you all! The church is way true!
Elder Henrie

I hit I year this month. Call Panama and tell them I can`t leave haha. I`m scared for the second year because everyone tells me it goes faster...but i`ll just have to work more and try to be more obedient to the commandments so i can come home with no regrets.
Thanks for everything mom. Thank you for all of the sacrifices that i know you make for me. I love you. Your example keeps me going. I hope to be a parent like you someday. Looking back...i`m really grateful for the times that you did say no...or tried to and i was stubborn haha. I know you`re always looking out for me. And i`m really grateful for that!
Te amo mucho!
Elder Son

1 comment:

  1. I am loving his letters...we are really missing having our son's mission stories now that he is home. Thanks so much for sharing! You must be so proud! I love how he signs his letters Elder Son... sweet boy!
