Monday, February 8, 2010

{I'M NoT PerFeCt But I'm TryiNG}

Hey family!

This week has been pretty nuts. But i´ll start with the questions dad no worries:

1. My health and my tooth are fine. I´m using my filter for water and it´s all good here.
2. I haven´t heard anything about malaria or prevention we just use repellent
3. Sweet about the ATM card...i don´t really spend that much money on stuff here but yeah i think you can just send it to the mission home.
4. My address is the following, the mails pretty slow though haha:

Misión Panamá Carrasquilla
A.P. 0834 Entrege General
Panamá, Panamá

5. nope i´m not getting transferred this week. I´m still in empalme but elder chicas i have to wait until thursday until my next comp gets here. In the meantime i´m with Elder Stoddard, another Gringo. ha he´s way cool.
6. No i don´t need anything i´m on a mission :) just that you all keep praying as a family and having family home evenings!
7. Of course i´ll write every week! It´s my favorite thirty minutes of the week!

Right now i´m pretty nervous about getting a new companion...i´ll have to take him around the area until he´s used to it...but we´ll see what happens...and i´m pretty sure i can´t be a senior comp yet because of the spanish issue...i can pretty much get around with spanish though it´s all good.

Guess what?! On the way home from church yesterday we were talking to cecilio about serving a mission...and i asked him if he would like that. He said ´¡muchísimo!´ haha (a lot). He´s read up to page 55 in the BOM! Now we just gotta help him pay tithing..which is tough because he hardly has work and food. But yesterday he was ready on time for the first time...with a shirt and tie! Sweet!

There´s this other joven here named javier...he´s awesome. 21 years old and he wants to change his life. I love the teenagers here! We´re really focusing on families and priesthood here. I´m lovin it.

I think about you all the time fam...the homesickness is gone but i just want you all to know that i love you. I feel blessed to have the family that i have...there really aren´t any families like ours here in empalme. Only a few. It´s so hard! But yeah give thanks for our family and the things that we have every day. There are plenty of things that are hard here but all i have to do is go to someone elses house and i feel like we get treated like kings here. Some people have nothing!

Another great experience we had was giving another blessing to a little girl named wendy...she´s less than one year old and we´re teaching her father...virigilio. Not sure if he´s going to progress but wow it was great.

Oh ps i had to go to panama this week for migrations. 12 hours there...three hours to get a photo taken...and 12 hours back haha that was fun. But don´t worry i had lots of time to teach on the bus.

I love you all so much. I´m working here dont worry...i´m not perfect but i´m trying. I love it. I absolutely love it here! It´s so hard but it´s the best thing i´ve ever done in my life. Its constantly a battle here every day. My testimony has grown more than i would have ever imagined or thought possible. I love it. Thanks for all! Until next week!

Con amor,
Elder Tanner

Hey mom!

Just wanted to shoot you a quick hello! Everythings good here...thanks for the email! I love you a lot! Stay strong as a family! You´re all incredible...the mission is great and it just keeps getting better.

I got the brothers around the world thing but without a lot of time to read it all but it was sweet! Gotta go!

Te amo,
Elder Tanner

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing that he is having so much success with the teens in Panama. When I was on the mission we had an entire zone conference about how the younger investigators of the church are totally progressing all over the world. It must be the generation of open-mindedness, oh and the Spirit:). I am so excited for how much Tanner is learning and growing and giving. He is phenomenal!! Love you Elder Henrie!!
