Monday, September 13, 2010

{PanaMeñoS are sO Rad!}

Whats up eh? I`m in Chorrera now! Barrio Centro! It`s definitely different being in a ward. It`s like...missionary work right off the bat. Our members are sweet! And one cool thing is that Elder Poli just left this area...he`s a zone leader now! So i`ll be taking care off his converts while i`m here. My comp is Elder Bravo from Nicaragua. The first thing Elder Dangerfield told me when I told him Elder Bravo was my comp...haha `help him out`. It`ll be ok though. I told him straight up that we`re going to be obedient and work. But yeah he`s kind of struggling hardcore. I miss Elder Chevez. What an awesome elder! And I miss Santiago A TON!! But, like Bocas, I feel good about what we did there
I`m district leader here in Chorrera. It should be a good opportunity to serve. I`m kind of intimitated. But i think it should go well. We had a sweet experience with our neighbor. I talked to him like the first night i got here (wednesday) and the next morning he came over to our house telling us he wanted to commit suicide the night before. We taught him the plan of salvation and talked about how much God loves him and the gift that we have of living here in the earth. It was really cool. And he came to church yesterday!
Another experience. We were street contacting (my comp and i are both new to the area and we`re starting from scratch haha) and we found the familia Alonzo! Sweet fam...Elder Poli and his comp had already taught them in the past and they are pretty much ready to be baptized! Hahaha we just have to work on getting them to assist to church.
That`s really crazy about the health problems going on in the ward. Really sad but the miracles always come in times of trials. I read a talk from the conference Liahona about patience and Elder Utchdorf says that we don`t just need to endure...we need to endure well. What an awesome quote. I know it`s true. Patience is not just waiting. It`s action, and perseverancia. Don`t know that word in english.
I think God keeps giving me disobedient companions because he wants me to learn to love them haha. But i`ve got a good attitude about this change. I`ve been hearing a lot of `i don`t want to work, i want to go home and sleep, i want water, it`s hot, there is nobody here` but i know we`re gonna have success here.
We`ve already got potential. Well family i love you all! Keep me in your prayers! JP is a junior??!!! Que va hombre...i hope everything is awesome in utah town, but i know it`s not as awesome as panama! The church is true!
Elder Henrie

ps yes i`ll be writing on mondays now haha

Hola! What`s up? I`m really stoked about my new area. I miss Santiago a lot but the relief society president made me promise that i would return...and i shook hands on it. Just so you know.. That means i have to go back to Santiago someday. Yep. And you have to meet the people there. Mom, panameños are so rad! They are way funny and happy.
Quick experience from yesterday. My comp wanted water so i told him we`d have to find someone to teach so we could ask them for water. Finally we found a positive guy. Turns out his wife hates mormons and kicked us haha super intense. But he did give us water! hhaha. and then we kept going until we hit the LAST house on the street....we talked to the guy who was outside with his kid, Josè and his son Alan. What an awesome guy! He had lots of questions and knew a little bit about the church. We gave him a Book of we just need to baptize him! Hahaha he`s from Costa Rica and is really interesting.
Oh and we met a guy from tough crowd. I love my new area! Pray for my comp!
Chao ¡cuìdate!
Elder Henrie

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