Monday, November 15, 2010

{OnE oF The HarDeST MoMentS}

I had one of the hardest moments on my mission this week. As we were teaching Fernando in the house of his girlfriend´s family...we found out that he had moved in there. We were worried about that situation as people can`t get baptized if they are leaving together...but the mission president told us that in this case it was ok. Anyway...we kept teaching him...had the interview, the district leader felt weird about it but he said he was alright to be baptized. And then me and Elder Poli couldn`t stop thinking about it the week of his baptism. So, two nights before his baptism, we went home and prayed...and we got an answer. He couldn`t be baptized. We both felt the same thing. It was super hard and i almost didn`t want to believe it but we kept asking and everytime i got the same answer...that he couldn`t be baptized. So the next night...the night before his baptism, we went over to his house. We started to explain to him that he needed to wait and he needed to move out to be baptized. We asked him how he felt and he just started sobbing. He felt horrible. And that made us feel horrible because we should have prayed about it earlier! Anyway he kept crying and we asked him why he wanted to be baptized...he told us that he wanted to be clean and be with the Lord. He has so much faith!
So a little while into the discussion he told stopped and stood up and went inside. We weren`t sure what he was doing but Elder Poli looked and me and asked if he moved out...if he could be baptized...well yeah... All of a sudden he comes out with a box full of stuff and sets it on the floor! He said he would move out that very night! So we called the assistants to ask permission to stay out later and help him move and then we went to look for a room in a members was really stressful but he ended up calling us to tell us that he had found a place to stay. Sweet! I felt like he REALLY showed a desire to follow Chirst that night. We felt sooooooo much better and ready for his baptism. The next day a ton of people showed up! Elder Poli, Elder Stoddard and I sang Nearer My God to Thee...with some sweet harmony. The spirit was sooooo strong! And then i went to baptize him. He was kinda nervous so we went into the bathroom and said a prayer. As we walked into the water i felt really peaceful. I baptized him and right went he came out of the water he was sooo happy! He gave me a huge hug and would not let go! It was really the best baptism i`ve participated in in my whole mission! It was amazing!
And yesterday the familia Estrada had the interview and they are totally ready for this saturday! At 7 00 pm they`ll be baptized! I`m doing really good this week. This change has gone by really fast. We`re hoping to meet a really high goal in december but it`s not going to be possible without the members. I`m really excited for this month that`s comin up. President Ward said he would leave us together another change unless he received revelation that told him otherwise! Sweet!
I love you all the church is awesome!
Elder Henrie

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