Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{I WaS AbLE tO Go tO ThE SeALiNG}


So this week has been extremely incredible! On Saturday I was able to go to the sealing of the Salinas family with elder Chévez. He came in to see them and it was probably one of the most spiritual experiences i´ve had on the mission. When we were in the sealing room Cathy was crying because she was so happy. Tomás seemed a little nervous beforehand but I think he is usually like that. It was like that they day of his baptism as well. The spirit was incredibly strong and I felt like I had finally seen their process ´completed´. Now they just need to live faithful :) I loved seeing them felt like seeing my family after such a long time without seeing them. It was pretty sad that they didn´t have any family members there…because they are the only members of the church. And the Santiago branch couldn´t come because of a lack of money to get into the city. So the Salinas family thanked us and said that we were their family anyway. I was SOOOO happy to see them sealed! Wow…

Other than that we are now teaching a kid named Dani in our area, he is really good friends with Jotam. Jotam and Wilfredo received the Aaronic priesthood on Sunday so we want Jotam to baptize Dani. He didn´t come to church on Sunday and we´re not sure why but he should progress. He´s already read some of the book of mormon and has lots of great questions. I actually went with Elder Dangerfield and Elder Gómez to teach him. It´s pretty cool to teach with your MTC comp again J

This week has been insane! My new companion is Elder Ortega, from Guatemala. He´s a stud! A really good missionary with lots of desires to go to work. And that is definitely needed here in the office. This week is the week of changes so I haven´t slept at all and i´m not planning on getting much sleep this week…last change sometimes we slept from about 2 am to 6 am. Good stuff!

It has been a very good, spiritual week. Dad, I liked what you said about cheerfulness. I was talking to my companion earlier about how much more patient the mission has made me. I feel like God has helped me to develop that attribute a lot more than it was before the mission.

I am really happy to be hearing about my nephew and THANK YOU for the awesome photos. He´s a good lookin´ little baby eh? Amazing how much things are changing in the Henrie clan! I hope that little James stays healthy and happy. And I pray for y´all every day!

Mucho love from down south!

Elder Henrie


Happy anniversary! late...haha but still. I forgot...sorry. No excuses. I hope marshall being ordained as a priest was a good experience. Wilfredo and Jotam were also ordained priests. Wilfredo is very mature and really ready to learn in the church. And Jotam loves soccer haha they are great kids!

Mom I love you and I hope this week is the best week you´ve had this year so far! I don´t even know how we are in August right now. I feel like it´s still June! Love you a ton mom i´m praying for you!

Muuuucho amor,
Your Son

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