Monday, September 5, 2011

{TheY...LooKeD GUAPOS!}


I finished the Book of Mormon a couple of days ago! It was a good experience. I had never realized how many times Moroni "exhorts" us to act in the last chapter of the Book of Mormon. I learned a lot. From Elder Martino´s visit to Panama I decided that this time around studying the Book of Mormon I want to focus on what I can learn about the Atonement and how I can apply it in everything I do. I have lots of questions about it and I think it will be good to look for the answers.

Sunday was a little tough...our investigators didn´t show up to church. But we´re planning on working more with members this week and trying to get a family to church this sunday. Hopefully we´ll receive that blessing. Things are going great in the mission. The mission has made a lot of progress in baptisms and I feel like the converts are stronger than ever. It was sooo neat to see so many young men and women at the dental brigade to be able to go on their missions. On Tuesday morning we were in a bus going to the brigade...and we saw two young, long-haired guys walking to the church. Jotam and Wilfredo! We picked them up and headed to the church. One of the first things that they found out was that to have the free dental care done, they would have to cut their hair. It was a tough decision for them...they´ve had long hair since as long as they can remember. They were also thinking a lot about their mom and their decision to serve a mission. It was hard for them to decide because their mom isn´t really all for them going on missions. And Jotam says it´s hard because he wants to go to the same mission as his brother (they´re really close brothers).

So, they ended up deciding to do it. They both cut their hair and looked GUAPOS! It was super cool and probably one of the best experiences for me in the whole brigade. All the dentists complimented them and they were probably the two most famous young men there by the end of everything. haha what an experience. And Jotam bore a powerful testimony in church yesterday about the love he has felt from the members and how grateful he is to be a member of the church.

We also had a few good finding experiences this week. Last night we found a kid from Bocas del Toro named Roberto who had lots of questions about the Plan of Salvation. He believes in reincarnation so it was an interesting conversation.

I love you all a ton! I´ve been praying for you!

Elder Henrie


I love the mission! I am happy and...tired haha. The weeks are going by really fast. Changes are coming up pretty soon which means that there´s a lot to do. That´s crazy that Marsh has his first date comin up! It should be fun for him. If he needs help renting a bus tell him that we´re professionals in that here in Panama City. One of the bus drivers of the brigade group is called Edilberto...he´s a really cool guy and i´m hoping the missionaries in his area can teach him.

I was talking to a member yesterday about having a family sealed in the temple. It is a super rare blessing if you think about the percentage of people on the earth today that have been able to go to the temple. I´m grateful for having a family sealed in the temple. It has helped me understand the importance of goals and priorities. That has definitely been a strength that I have learned here in the mission, the importance of goal setting. It´s good to know that everything I learn here will be applicable throughout my life.

Oh, quick thing...THANK YOU for the cookies! Dr. Roundy and his wife are really good people. He fixed my messed up tooth for me so now it doesn´t look as ugly. And everyone there really enjoyed the cookies...they told me to thank you and that you did an excellent job! I felt pretty spoiled with home made cookies ;)

I love you mom! Thanks for everything. I hope you have a fantastic week!

Elder Henrie

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