Tuesday, December 1, 2009

{It'S WhaT MakEs Our CHurcH DiFFerEnT}


I swear every week just gets better...i'm so glad the wedding went well and I hope J-Dub and Jessi are having a great time. It sounds like it was a lot of fun. That's hilarious that they choreographed a disco dance...definitely sounds like them haha. I've pretty much been busy out of my mind. Last night I woke up at 12:30 thinking it was time to get ready. So I got out of bed, prayed, got in the shower, and then Elder Dangerfield comes in: "Elder, it's 12:30" ...not a good moment but it was pretty funny. I haven't been sleeping a lot here, but Elder Dangerfield and my roommates gave me a blessing and I'm honestly doing much better. I have hardly been tired at all since that blessing.

That's cool that you got to give a blessing this week dad. I'm starting to realize how important the priesthood really is. It's what makes our church different. Last night in the RC I was talking with a lady named Shirley on the phone...she was a 70 year old Catholic and probably the sweetest lady I've ever talked to. She wanted to know what made our church different. I told her about the priesthood and she said "oh, like the pope?" I had to explain to her that it wasn't like that. I taught her the first vision and the Joseph Smith story...taught her the first vision, and read her Moroni's promise. She was incredible. She just kept saying "I'm looking for something more in my life" can't tell you how good that makes you feel. One good phone call makes up for a night of getting hung up on haha.

After I talked to Shirley I called a lady named Linda. 27 years old, and loved hearing anything about Christ. I was able to talk to her for a while about the difference this Gospel has made in my life. And than I sent the missionaries to her house (Shirley didn't want missionaries to come over). Linda said she's been attending church and the best thing I've ever heard was "I know everything you're saying is true." Oh man! Definitely a good night.

I like what you said about all the general conference talks and how the theme is centered on love. Love, charity that is, is the only way to do missionary work. The moment you start thinking about yourself it gets pretty tough. Just so you all know I've been thinking about you...not homesick, but I just love telling people during lessons how this Gospel has blessed my family. Some of the best moments in lessons come when I get to talk about my family or when Elder Dangerfield talks about his.

So yesterday, we didn't speak any English (for the most part, I cheated a couple times) it's so ridiculous. I'm just glad Spanish isn't Mandarin. How's everyone doin' at home? Marsh have you taken over the entire bachelor pad yet? It's pretty nice, eh? Lib, are you dominating the violin and loving preschool? Oh, and Libby you should be expecting some mail soon...just sayin' :)

That reminds me, our district sang Te Necesito Si (I Need Thee Every Hour) on Sunday for the musical number. That's been my favorite hymn for a while and I love it in Spanish. I sang the first verse solo it was a little scary. But we had this elder named Elder Cannon play violin with us. He started Suzuki when he was four and he's so amazing! It was way fun.

Let's see...I guess i'm havin surgery today. Don't worry dad I'll ask lots of questions. It's during the time that we go to the temple which is kind of a bummer but it's all good. And we've got ten nuevos coming in tomorrow. Eight of them are going to Mexico and two to Peru! I'm way excited to meet them (even though i won't be able to talk to them haha). Oh, and our zone is dropping like flies. I think there's four or five in quaranteen right now it's no bueno.

I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week. I pray for you every day

Elder Tanner

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