Tuesday, December 8, 2009

{It MaDe EVerYthiNG WorTh iT}

Hey Henries!

Que hay?! So this week was a little more difficult not being able to talk and everything...but I still had a great time. Thanks so much for sending me those letters from the other missionaries! It's so good to hear from them. I'll write for that next week don't let me forget. Oh, and I forgot...you did send my passport to the SLC travel offices right? wouldn't that be sweet if I left and ended up not having a passport haha. Sounds like Christmas is going great there...i'm really excited for Christmas here. It will be an awesome experience being able to hang out with our district on Christmas they're amazing.

The surgery went really well...Elder Dangerfield gave me a blessing and I've really had no pain whatsoever. And I can still eat pretty well, which is all that matters. Today I'm going in at ten thirty to have it checked up on....and then once a week until I leave. So leaving the MTC has been a pretty routine thing now.

Last Tuesday was pretty rough though...I wasn't happy with not being able to talk/smile. And I couldn't pray out loud, sing, eat all that much, it was no fun. But I realized that thinking about myself all week would make it tough and it's been good since then. I got a letter from Hermano Fogg the day after surgery and he told me that at the wedding he said my mom and dad both were so happy. He said he felt like you were finally at peace with James. I got the strongest feeling that that was true...and that's the happiest I've been at the MTC so far. It made everything worth it. I realized that the blessings we receive from serving missions aren't possible to number. I receive more and more blessings every day. This place is amazing. When we sing hymns at mission conferences or devotionals...I feel like there are more than just missionaries singing here. And every time you go to class you learn sooooo much. I love it here!

I hope everything is going well. I love being here. Dad thanks for teaching me to work...I'm really starting to see how important work is in life. My perspective has really changed a lot since being here. I've realized that the only thing that matters for us is returning to live with God, and having an eternal family.

Thank you for everything family! Marsh...i heard you took over the cell phone. That's ok as long as you stay shorter than me. I love you brother. You're awesome...make sure you go to seminary so you don't have to memorize nine thousand scriptures a day when you're here like me.

Libster...I love you. Mom, thanks for all the morning chats about the Gospel before work. It's made a huge difference.

J-Dub and Jess I might have to write you snail mail I'm runnin' short on time.

I love you all!

Con el amor,
Elder Tanner

Post note: Here is the letter from Brother Fogg to Tanner:

30 November 2009

Dear Elder:

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving in the MTC. Our family enjoyed getting a letter from you and everyone keeps saying they need to write you, but despite the good intentions, this letter may have to suffice for now.

Anyway, we just wanted to let you know that we think and speak of you often, and we hope that all is well with you. From my experience, the MTC is a wonderful staging area to better prepare missionaries to be conversant in both the language of the spirit and the language of your mission. Enjoy the moment – it goes by too quickly, but the memories last forever.

It was fun to see your family at JW’s wedding reception. He and his bride looked so handsome/beautiful and happy to be newly weds. While standing in line, we all enjoyed watching the side presentation, which had sides of all the brothers growing up together – good times. More importantly, I felt that your mother and father were finally at peace with the loss of James and truly were happy for the first time in a long time. Perhaps you already sensed this when you were in the temple together with your family, but it was not apparent to us until seeing them at the reception. Your parents are certainly proud of their children, particularly of you and your decision to serve a full-time mission.

You will notice an enclosed a copy of my talk that I gave in sacrament meeting on 22 November. Parents from the four senior missionaries (Bishop Brewster, Brother Reghr, Sister Heiner, and me) spoke about their missionaries and principles of the Gospel taught by them through their missionary service. Thought you may like to read some of the excerpts taken from Eric’s email that were shared.

Well, we want you to know that we love you and are proud of your decisions in life that have lead you to where you are now, and that you are involved with a great work that will forever change for good not only your life, but the lives of many whom you will associate with while serving in Panama.

Know that you may be away for a season, but that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Study hard and serve well.

Brother Fogg

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