Monday, February 22, 2010

{ I´M fuLL BloOD PaNaMEño}

Hey all!

Yeah dad Almirante was sweet! This week was really incredible too. I´ll try my best to get all the questions answered here...

Our branch is pretty close to our El Empalme...but there are a few members in Silencio. Finca means farm. The banana farms here are nuts! They go on for miles. Almost all the men in El Empalme work in the banana farms. Or taxis. But the taxistas don´t have much work. It´s tough right now for them. I think the river is just called Rio de Changuinola or somethin like that.

Cecilio did make it to the temple! I think their work sixty people in our district that entered in. And one hermana in our rama went in to take out her endowments for the first time! Cecilio loved it!

We have zone conferences every change. For that, i´m in David right now...we had a five hour bus ride this morning, conference tomorrow, and than head back tomorrow night. Don´t really do a lot of splits with other missionaries still but maybe when i´m in a larger district. Our district covers a pretty broad area but there aren´t that many active members.

The milks weird here but i´m liking it. The cereals normal, frosted flakes...mmmmm.

Alright. Mom are you sure that wasn´t you and libby in that photo you sent? haha how sweet was that?! I hope all is well mom. Don´t worry too much about sending stuff for my birthday...i don´t think it will get here until around christmas. Hahaha no but i think it would take about a month to get a package here. But i can´t think of anything i need. (unless you want to send deodorant so i don´t have to buy´s like three bucks! is it that much in the states?)

Yeah i´m full blood panameño now...i love it here. The food rocks!

Quick story...last saturday we had a baptismal date fall through. Apparently Adayana was living with someone and we were unaware haha oops. And than we headed back to the apartment to hang out there for the night (in the bathroom haha) sunday was good . i love being able to tell people that we are representatives of Jesus Christ and testify in his name. It´s powerful stuff.

Love you all no time left! Have a good week!

To Libby:

Hey Lib! Thanks for the email! Yeah valentines was great here! We worked especially hard that day ;) that´s sweet that you got a new zhou zhou pet...i´m really jealous. I´m going to try to send you something for your birthday so i hope it gets to you in time! Love you lib!

1 comment:

  1. Erin, I just love the question about the cost of deoderant...priceless! It sounds like he is so happy! Isn't it rewarding as a mother when they have such joy! Happy Chinese New Year!
