Monday, June 14, 2010

{LivE iT!}


Elder Abarca had changes. And i`m sticking around to destroy Santiago. They`re not even gonna know. How are ya fam?! Things are looking good for me. Right now i`m sitting by my comp from the MTC, Elder Dangerfield, and my dad, Elder Chicas, and I just talked to Elder Poli. Companion reunion eh? So apparently i`m going to train this change. Kind of ridiculous because i don`t know what`s going on haha but i`m excited. Time for some intense work! We`re having some trouble with our progressing investigators. One of them, Otilia Flores, can`t stop the coffee. She`s awesome though. A middle aged, reeeeeeeeeeally short lady haha. And the other two didn`t come to church this sunday. Time to form the army of mormones again to go and pick people up every sunday morning.

Sorry it`s gotta be short, but i sent a longer one to J Dub haha he can forward it to you. I finished the Book of Mormon on saturday! It`s sweet! I read something interesting about the Holy Ghost this weekend. In the book of Gospel Principles it talks about how the Holy Ghost can testify to us of something...but if we don`t receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost that testimony can be lost. I`m sure of that. Sometimes i feel like i`m waiting for an answer to something that I already know. But i can tell you all that the book of Mormon is true. Live it!

Mom i have a letter i`ve been meaning to send you...forgive me haha. I love you all! I`ll be writing you this coming lunes...that`s monday haha. Cuìdense mucho!

Les quiero,
Elder Tanner

To John WIlliam:

Yeah yeah! Sounds sweet about the Book of Mormon! It`s a pretty dang true book! I finished it on June 12!!! It was a really good i started it again. This time around i`m going to highlight every time it makes a reference to Jesus Christ, His attributes, or His actions. I think it will be a good way to use it to develop Christlike attributes. Thanks a lot for your testimony of the Book of Mormon. I always am telling people that they will be able to grow closer to God by applying its principles more than any other book...and sometimes I forget that the promise applies to me. I really do find a lot of peace in the Book of Mormon.

J Dub...I have to thank you for your mission. I don`t know if you remember...but when me, you, and your comp. (boston) were walking to a dinner appointment and you stopped a man on the sidewalk who was smoking...and you contacted him. It may have been somethign that you were really used to doing in your mission...but that one contact has really made me want to work. When i`m tired and sitting next to someone on a bus...i remember that contact and i talk with people. So thank you. Your mission really has impacted my life bigtime.

The Villareal family is slippery...but the last time we went there there was a teenager that we taught...he was really positive and showed a desire to read the BoM. God knows what he`s doing. He really does look over the entire mission. It`s incredible!

So here`s the news...I`m training! I`m really nervous but i`m excited at the same time. So right now i`m in Arraijan and i`ll be working here for two days until my new companion gets here. I`m worried that i`m not quite prepared for this but I trust God. I`m really excited to work hard this change in Santiago. I hope i`ll be able to give my companion a good example to follow throughout his mission. I am definitely nervous though because i still don`t even know what it means to be a senior companion. I still feel like i`m just walking into the MTC. And at the same time I feel like the mission is almost over! Ay ay ay hombre!!

I hope you`re doing well right now. I love hearing about you and Jess. It`s so sweet to have a brother who is married and another one who`s getting ready to head out on a mission. He`s basically on his mission already. Jeez it goes fast!! I love you a lot bro. Tell Jess I love her and i`ll always be praying for both of you! La iglesia es super verdadera! Cuìdate hermano mìo!

Te quiero,
Elder Tanner

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