Sunday, June 13, 2010

{I doN'T ReGreT AnyThing FroM thiS ChanGE}

So, p day. We have destrict reunions every we use internet to write the president after..and apparently our families as well. haha
Seriously that beetle was ridiculous. It sounds like Dad and Lib had a sweet time hanging out this week haha. Lib I can imagine you destroying dad on the Wii! Don´t show him any mercy just because he´s old! (almost 50 haha)
This week has been alright. Our baptismal dates fell but we´re hoping they will still progress and be able to be baptized this month. Our sacrament meeting was really good on sunday. It was such a powerful meeting. Really one of the best i´ve been in for a long time. Hermano Abrego and his wife both gave their testimonies! It was so awesome. And after the meeting they told me that they are making plans to go to the temple by the end of this year! I was so happy to hear it...we´ll just have to really work with the hermano so he can be ready. Unfortunately there have been some problems this past week..but everything will be taken care of.
that was a really good story about the daughter of Brother Taylor. I love how the Lord guides this work! It really is a testimony builder for me to see things like that. The Lord really is in control of every aspect here. He knows which missionaries need to be in companionships together. I´ve learned that this change. God reveals things to the President of the mission and the whole mission really does work on revelation and the faith of the missionaries. If the missionaries have faith, work hard, and are obedient, miracles happen. If not...ya know haha.
This change is winding down. I don´t regret anything really from this past change. I love the members and I feel extremely close to them. They really are really warm to the missionaries. We just started taking the sacrament to the branch president´s wife every sunday (shes extremely sick and can´t come to church). Their family is so humble. They don´t really have money to get her the care they need and I think she really appreciates having the blessings of the sacrament.
Other than that...not much is going on here in Santiago. It´s sweet! I hope all is well in the US of A. I think about you all and I pray for you daily. thank you a ton for your examples for me and for the help through this change.
con mucho amor,
Elder Tanner

Hey grammy!

I just wanted to send you a quick hello! Thanks for keeping me updating with the news and everything. I hope your biking experiences have been awesome. I love my area. I didn´t want to leave my first area but i´ve come to love this one just as much as my first. Things are going pretty well here. There´s a lot of potencial here. I´m really excited to see what happens in the next few months.

I love you a lot grammy and i hope everything is well! Te quiero mucho!


Elder Tanner

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