Wednesday, August 11, 2010

{I LovE the FaMiliEs thaT we aRe TeacHinG}

Hey hey hey!
Right on sorry about not being clear about the baptisms...there were four people who were baptized. Tomas and Cathy Salinas (a young married couple that have a little baby girl named Kristamy), Arnulfo Flores (the husband of a member, hes awesome! he`s about 45), and a lady named Teonila Rodriguez. The 21 of this month the daughter of Teonila is going to get baptized!! She really liked the baptism and is basically already a member haha. Teonila payed her tithing on sunday! And Arnulfo loves studying! And the Salinas have already started a choir in the branch!! how sweet are these converts!
We are going to the temple on thursday for baptizing the salinas family...that`s the goal of the mission...baptize a family and you get to go to the temple! We want them to prepare to be sealed in the future...sweet! Dad i also read that article in the Liahona (we don`t get the Ensign) it was really powerful...that quote you wrote was my favorite part.
Things are sweet here...I love the families that we are teaching.. We have three really positive ones. Two of them are references from members. I just wrote a letter to mom explaining them so you can get the details soon. bottom line is that the familia pardo is gnarley and i really hope they can progress.
so i lost all the pictures that were on the card but my companion had most of them on his camera. So that was good. I don`t know when i`ll be able to get a new camera...can i use the credit card to buy a new one? It won`t get stolen this time haha
thanks for your support...and your prayers. Time is still going by super fast here in panama. Since i had my last interview with presidente ward things have been going great. We had a good turnout at church last week...66 people came and it was a great reunion. They put me to speak on the spot because the speakers didn`t show i talked about the story of Abinadi and how his testimony started an awesome chain of missionary work. (abinadi is nuts huh?)
les amo mucho y siempre oro por ustedes. Espero que estèn bien de salud y felices. ¡Cuìdense mucho!
Con mucho cariño,
Elder Tanner

Hey mom! How`s everything going? I hope you had a good week! I`m still here...alive in Santiago. haha it`s been tough but one of the best experiences ever. I love being here...the people are great. It`s defintiely been a growing experience. I remember in one of the zone conferences that we had one of the elders said that his best changes on his mission were the hardest ones. It`s true. Having a hard companion or a hard area makes things much harder and much more rewarding. I feel like i`ll be able to leave santiago content with everything we`ve done here. I know i wasn`t perfect but we`ve been working and i`ve really enjoyed it...the ups and downs. I miss you mom...i think about you and pray for you a lot. i know god`s looking out for my family and that i`ve got nothing to worry about! I`m staying focused and having success. I love you!
Much love,
Elder Tanner

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