Thursday, September 2, 2010

{I aM wiTh You in THe spIRit}

uh huh!
Wow...really rough news about Bishop Brewster. I`ll be praying for him and his family a lot. that`s super hard to hear. It`s a good thing we have the gospel to get us through trials like this and that we know that the trials make us stronger. I hope their family is doing well. Tell them I love them.
i loved the pictures of lib starting school haha hilarious. I can`t imagine her causing a riot with all her little friends. I still find it hard to believe that she`s in school already!
We had a good week this week. We`re going to the temple on Thursday because our zone met the goal we set for baptisms! Sweet! I`ll be in there with Elder friend from high school. Dang man. I`m really excited! We had a lot of success this past week. Lots of good lessons and good experiences. We taught our branch presidents son who just got separated from his wife and kids. He`s really suffering a lot and he wants to be with his family. It`s hard to see...and he carries a photo of his family around with him everywhere and sleeps with it by his bedside. It hurts really bad because he keeps saying he knows they will be together. We talked to him about the peace that we can find in the Book of Mormon and submitting ourselves to God`s will and forgetting about what we want. But we saw him yesterday and he seems a lot better.
We also taught a lady named Omaida who just lost her husband to cancer...she was a reference from another contact. It was a really good lesson. she just kept talking about the peace that she wanted to find in this life. The plan of salvation really does offer us this peace.
We`ve also had some more problems with our leadership...our investigator family...los pardo..had a bad experience with our branch mission leader. kind of not good. But we`re working through it. The wife...Miriam, is starting to doubt the book of mormon. But we went there last night with a member and had a good talk about it. She seemed committed to read it and pray.
That`s really all for this week. Changes are comin up...don`t know if i`m going or staying but I really love the branch of Santiago!
I was reading in the bible the other day and read a scripture that made me think about you all...dice, `Although I be absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.` Col. 2, verse 5. That`s how i feel about you all...keep being awesome!
Mucho love,
Elder Henrie
Hey mom! Thanks for the email! I hope all is well. really excited for the temple this Thursday! I`ll be thinking about you all while I am there. I still remember perfectly my first time entering the temple...what an incredible experience.
Thanks for praying for keeps me going. I`ve been super tired lately because i don`t sleep much...panamanian dogs haha. But i`m doing really well. Still working and trying to be a good missionary, like libby told me to be when we talked on mother`s day haha. Love you mom! Thanks for everything!
Elder your son

ps the pictures I sent are 1. a rotten egg that was SUPER rotten. It tasted alright though. and 2. a frog faking dead after I THOUGHT I killed it with an umbrella. Chuso.

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