Sunday, January 23, 2011

{A LaTE ChRistMas GiFT}

On Friday, we got a package from Panama! Tanner mailed us a Christmas gift in October, and it just arrived. A Book of Mormon, read by him, and lovingly marked. He had highlighted every single reference to Christ. It is a gift from the heart. We love it. Here is the letter, written on the inside cover:

28 Oct., 2010

Dear Family,
It's 8:23 AM, Oct. 28 2010, and the Book of Mormon is true. Every time I've read it, I have seen who it testifies of. I know Christ lives. I know he died for us & I know he [was]ressurected so we could have eternal life. Today marks one year in the mission. It's going by FAST but I'm trying to make it count. Studying the Book of Mormon gives me the desire to keep going. It gives me a sense of urgency to bring people into the gospel. It has been a big part of the foundation of my faith listening to so many objections.

I have read this book various times. I have prayed many hours to know if it's true, and Moroni's promise still holds true. He teaches that "God will show unto you, that which I have written is true." (Moroni 10:29) And that's exactly how it works. I have kneeled down with God's children in Panama and I have watched them receive an answer from God. It's an amazing experience.

I feel like Elder Holland, in that "I want to be absolutely clear when I am in front of the judgement bar of God that I declared to the world... that the Book of Mormon is true." I have no doubt that it is true and I know I have to share it with everyone I meet. I know many will reject it, but at least my conscience will be clear.

Without these words, written by God's prophets here in the Americas... everything falls apart. I have really learned on the mission that everything depends on the truthfulness of this book. If Joseph Smith was a prophet, the priesthood, the Plan of Salvation, everything. We know it's true if we know this book os true.

Here's what I learned as I read the Book of Mormon this time around: You have to apply it, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God answers every sincere prayer, service brings happiness, and the gospel is extrememly simple.

I learned that we have to fight for our families. I learned that a testimony comes by obedient living. I learned to keep walking when I have no strength. I learned that we are all children of God. ALL of us. I have seen the atonement in the lives of others and I think that wouldn't be possible without these teachings.

I also think I learned to be grateful. I know I have a lot to improve, but I know I'm doing good... not perfect, but my best. I invite you all to read this book, meditate it's message, and to pray and ask God if it's true. No matter how many times you have done it... God will confirm your testimony.

Like Mormon, know that "I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the father in the name of his holy child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end." (Mormon 8:3) I love you. We are SO blessed to have a family that is sealed by God's power. It's a rare blessing even in the church. So we must make it count here so we go back together. But I'm not worried... I know God is happy with our family. We're not perfect... but we are awesome Ha Ha Ha

Thank you all. Thank you. I love you. I hope this gets there by Christmas so I can say Feliz Navidad!

Con Amour,
Elder Henrie

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