Tuesday, January 25, 2011

{ThE FaMiLies We'Ve BeeN TeaCHinG KiNd of CRaSHed}

Hahaha hilarious story about the relief sociey basketball game!! I can only imagine! I would have been front and center cheering you on! Even if you scored in the wrong basket :) haha great story!
Congrats on the puppy...she seems like a winner. And that`s crazy that Marshall is getting glasses. I hope they look something like the ones you sent in the picture of him. That would be fantastic! haha
Well mom...i really love ya. The mission is good. Great, actually! And it keeps moving by faster and faster. There is definitely a sense of urgency and a need to share the message with everyone. I am lovin it here in Alcalde Diaz. I don`t know if i`ve told you but it`s one of my most beautiful areas...if not the most beautiful.
The people are incredible! So humble and loving. Sometimes they reject you just because they really don`t know what we have. And because not everyone let`s strangers into their house. If only everyone could understand...haha but i guess that`s kind of the idea of missionary work.
I`m glad God trust`s me enough with His Son`s name. I`m grateful for missionaries now. Before coming here...i didn`t have any idea what they did. But now i get it. It was tough this week...really tough. I think it was hard in our whole zone for some reason. But i feel good because we are all trying. We are working even when it`s hot haha. I love these people mom...i wish you could meet all of them and listen to their stories. But i can only tell you so much. You know in the Book of Mormon how they say they couldn`t even write the hundreth part of their experiences? I sometimes feel that way about these emails haha
Love you mom!
Your son,
Elder Henrie

I`m glad that Book of Mormon finally made it...kinda had me worried. Yeah me and Elder Hine are still zone leaders in Alcalde Diaz...we are gonig to teach tomorrow in zone conference about how to receive revelation from the Book of Mormon...haha the assitants told us last night, giving us plenty of time to prepare!
Gracie`s a cute dog haha i`ll bet she`s the new center of attention for awhile now.
The families we`ve been teaching kind of crashed. The majority of them can`t move passed the beliefs that they already have to give the book of mormon a chance. It`s hard when you know that people went to ask other people instead of God about the Book of Mormon. It doesn`t really work that way...
So we`ve been focusing on finding a lot of new people. We only had one guy come to church yesterday and he showed up a little drunk. So we`re really focusing on that committment right now.
Things are going good in the mission. With Elder Hine...we have a lot of experience with respect to diligence. At 8 45, the night before preparation day...tired, etc, God blesses you with a family if you keep working. It was a pretty tough week with some bigtime rejection but we`re hanging in there with hope of finding someone. You have to talk to a lot of people in panama to baptize one person....and that makes it all worth it.
Good luck with Gracie this week! Hope you can get some sleep! Haha i love you all!
Elder Henrie

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