Friday, February 4, 2011

{BueNo... AwEsoMe And diFFicuLt Week!}

Bueno...awesome and difficult week! We had a few really tough days and last week was pretty tough but it all payed off. A few days ago we were in a lesson with Luis Peralta and we put a baptismal date with him! He accepted it! He`s got some problems with some of the commandments and was unsure about keeping them or not. So yesterday we took him to meet Fernando You (the convert here that got baptized on Nov. 11) so that Fernando could share some experiences with him. Fernando talked about how difficult it was for him to make sacrifices and living all of the commandments before his mission. He bore an INCREDIBLE testimony about how the Book of Mormon, not the missionaries, provided him with answers to his questions. He talked about how every time he had doubts or received criticism from friends or family, he relied on the Book of Mormon. Definitely the best lesson of the week. I was thinking about how cool it would be to see FERNANDO baptize LUIS! Hahaha just pray that everything works out.
After we put a date with Luis we went to teach this girl we`ve been working with named Laura. Her cousins are members and she is really smart. She reads the Book of Mormon and retains everything she reads. She really does have a desire to change her life...that she said she had really never felt before. I love how God prepares people to hear the Gospel. So we put a baptismal date with her too, but we need to get her assisting to church first...that was a sweet day!
It`s been super hot these past few days. I think i`m totally used to it now. You walk outside at 10 am and you`re already soaked with sweat haha kinda nice. But it always pays off. We had a cool experience yesterday too. Sundays are pretty hard because we don`t ever eat dinner until we get home at 9 pm. So from 8 to 9 on sunday nights is a big test sometimes. Last night we were contacting and we met the mother of a recent convert that never has listened to the missionaries. In fact, the missionaries had to go at 6 in the morning to teach this convert because her mom was against the church. But we asked her if we could just sing a little hymn and we talked to her for a couple minutes outside on her porch. She seemed a little more interested and a lot more open after the conversation. We`ll see if we can start teaching her this week.
I love you all! The church is true and this work is super awesome! I`m really enjoying this area still. I think it`s coming to an end here in Alcalde Diaz but who knows, they could leave me here another change. Stay strong fam!
Con lots of amor,
Elder Henrie

Hello! Things are cruisin here in our area. We had a pretty solid week. No one came to church which was a little tough but we had some sweet lessons and good experiences. Things are going great with Elder Hine. He`s a good missionary and a great comp. He`s pretty nuts haha definitely has the spirit and that`s one of the most important things in this work.
I hope you all love Cali! Have a good relax there and i`ll be praying for ya this week. This morning i read Mosiah 3...really a powerful chapter about the Atonement. I`m definitely greatful for the Atonement here as a missionary because it would be hard dealing with so many imperfections without a way to get better. I love King Benjamin`s discourse about it.
The atonement is real. I know it is. I love seeing people accept it here in Panama! Love you mom have a great trip!!!
Mucho amore (como dicen los italianos),
Elder Henrie

A Letter to Tanner (& Matt):

Dear Elders, How we love reading your letters! Your families are doing well and we are all much blessed.

Bob and I are reading a book about William Tyndale who translated the Bible from Latin to English. His story is remarkable. I was familiar with his name and the fact that he did the translation, but not with the amazing zeal and determination he had to use to accomplish the translation. The book is written by Michael Wilcox , who compares Tyndal’s story to that of Joseph Smith. William Tyndale was burned at the stake only because he wanted everyone (King to ploughboy) to have access to the Bible. I am amazed at the great sacrifices made for us. The book is titled, Fire in the Bones. When I read your letters I detect the same spirit in each of you. Thank you! Keep it up!

Last night I saw a documentary about Brazil. There are some BIG rodents in those forests.

We are still in winter---snow again today. Bob and I are well.

· Erin and John, with Marshall and Libby, are off today to California –Disneyland. It is a surprise to Libby.

· J.W. and Jessi came last week for supper and games.

· Lyssa has had an anaphylactic reaction to penicillin on Saturday. She was blessed to have a Dr. next door who ran to help her and she is fine now, but it was scary.

· BYU is doing great! Jimmer Freddette made 43 points in the win over San Diego and only 32 points in the loss to NM.

· U of U is doing a little better, but lost to Colorado State.

· The Jazz are spiraling downward.

· Leena is improving in her ability to speak. She will be 4 in June.

· I saw Dalton’s basketball game last week. He is becoming a very intense little player and has been in a growth spurt.

· Eliza’s basketball team is coached by Kent. They have won every game. I saw them play on Saturday and I can tell Eliza has been taught by her dad as when she jumps up to get the ball in a crowd she throws her elbows on the way down.

· Megan has been asked to Valentine Ball at Timpview. When I was at the house Ruthanne and Megan were choosing a dress for her to wear. David was astounded that she would “buy a dress just for ONE dance”.

I love you both more than I can say. You are such honorable young men. Thank you. Be safe. Be obedient. Brush your teeth. Love, Grammy

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