Monday, April 11, 2011

{We KePT WalKInG}

Ok...lots of cool experiences this week. Thanks for your emails! Dad when you wrote about becoming like a child it made me think about an experience i had yesterday at a member`s house eating lunch. One of the member`s friends was there and her daughter, with a handfull of grapes, came over to say hi (a two year old little girl, really cute) I reached out to shake her hand and instead of shaking my hand i just felt half of a soggy grape in my hand. Haha she thought i was asking for food and was more than willing to share. Elder Valenzuela and I were talking about it after...and how innocent children are, and how willing they are to give of themselves.
The other day we were going to visit another area to meet a baptismal date, and we were running late. Luckily there are lots of awesome taxi driver`s here haha one of them pulled up and told us to get in. He`s a member from a different area, Ivan. He had given us a free ride before and he took us again. Normally it would cost about two bucks to get to the area we were going to (that`s a lot by the way) and he told us not to worry about it. We were thinking he was a less active member. When we stopped he asked us to give him a blessing right there in the taxi. So we did...and i`m not even really sure what it was that he needed. I just remember telling him to take care of his family. And we saw him at church on Sunday! It was really cool...
Ok...another experience. Yesterday was pretty tough. Sunday night`s can always be hard after a week of work and all the appointments are falling...but we kept walking. The last appointment we had was kind of one of those that we weren`t sure hermana named Cuti and her fam. She answered the door and her husband came up and invited us in. Super nice family! They started telling us that they had been having lots of family problems and really needed help. They said that they had almost gotten divorced in the past...several times. It was really cool to just listen to them and understand how quickly the people put their trust in us as missionaries. I dont know if i`ll ever have that blessing so strong after the mission. So many people we teach trust us with their problems and their needs. It was great to share the plan of salvation with them and talk about how family prayer could help change them.
We have a family home evening tomorrow night with the Remice family in a member`s house! Should be great! I feel good about this change! The zone is working super hard and inviting EVERYONE to come unto Christ! There are 36 people right now with baptismal dates in our zone! I haven`t seen that in a zone before in my mission and i feel blessed to be with such hard working missionaries now! The entire zone is solid! President Ward took out a few missionaries that were struggling here in Chorrera and sent us some really strong ones.
I love you all! Thanks for your support! Pray for the Remice family and for Valentina! Love you!
Elder Henrie

Hey mom!
I`m happy in the mission...I feel focused. And i know that God will bless me if i`m dilligent and obedient. I feel like the way i look at things has changed. I was reading about pride the other day and i right that a part of pride is putting more importance in that which comes from the world than that which comes from God. I`m learning to put more importance in Godly things. I love the mission! Rain, sun, all of it. It`s been pouring like crazy this week...and every time it starts raining me and Elder Valenzuela smile at each other and go for it!
Too bad Libby is sick...tell her to get better :) I love you mom and i hope that all goes well on the homefront. Until next week!
thats amore,
Elder Henrie

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