Tuesday, April 5, 2011

{TeaCHing TheM ThE WoRD oF WisDOM}

So it was pretty fun going to the Remice family`s house and teaching them the word of wisdom the time after we had broken it in their house haha [Tanner innocently drank tea, because the box said "All Natural", and he thought it was herb tea--- see last week] but they accepted and are really excited! They came to Sunday afternoon conference...and Hermana Valentina came to sunday morning`s session. It was really cool. I loved the messages that were spoken. Elder Holland is always my favorite. I think Elder Eyring knew that everyone was waiting for his name, and when he said Elder Holland would be last he gave a little smirk. haha but his words are very powerful. I thought a lot about President Monson`s words about having to cancel sealings. That would be so sad. After so much work to make it to the temple...only to be canceled.
This week has been incredible in the zone! Last month was super low with the baptisms...but this week the zone has been putting baptism dates like crazy! We`re really learning to `invite others to come unto Christ` by helping them get prepared for baptism. We`ve been doing divisions a lot this week...more than i`ve ever done in one week. We went to four different areas to either get to know investigators or put baptismal dates with progressing investigators. It`s been really great. I`ve been kind of exhausted, so general conference was a nice break to rest and learn from the prophet and the apostles.
Unfortunately some of the missionaries have had some difficulties in these past weeks. President called last night and took one of them out this morning. He`s probably going to be sent home. It`s sad to see so many missionaries with so much potential that don`t understand the blessings they are receiving. It`s like the story that Elder Uchtdorf shared about the guy that took a trip, saving all his money until the very end when he found out that everything was included with the ticket...I learned in conference, when the choir sung `I`m trying to be like Jesus`, that i need to put for the effort to love every single one of the missionaries. I had told the missionary that left this morning that he wasn`t going to be happy if he kept acting like that. His comp is one of the strongest missionaries in the zone and i look up to him a lot. His name`s Elder Alley...he`s a super powerful missionary with a great spirit.
I love you all fam! I hope we can all put into practice what we`ve learned in conference. Priesthood session wasn`t quite the same...but it`s super enjoyable to be with a bunch of missionaries and humble members who want to learn. I feel like i`m learning how to learn being here with them. Panama is great! I LOVE this area! I really hope they don`t change us this week! Elder Valenzuela is a great comp and he pushes the work a lot here.
Mucho love,
Elder Henrie

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