Monday, May 23, 2011

{PraY fOR iT!}

Hey Fam!!

It`s been a great week! My new companion is Elder Morris...from Arizona. He`s a really great missionary and i was excited when they told me i would be with him. He has only two changes left on his mission so he`ll probably finish here in Chorrera and i`ll have six weeks left here. We have found lots of great people already. The first day he was here we taught a ton of lessons and we`re really excited for this change!

i don`t know why they told me it would be a tough change...all of the missionaries are great here...maybe the assistants just wanted to mess with me haha. We are teaching a family called the Pitti family. They are really cool and reading the BOM already. They said that they had a committment on sunday so they would not go but they promised to go next sunday.

My companion and i want to ask you all for something. Our goal this change is to baptize a family. Please pray for our area so that i family will come to church this sunday. Pray all week for it and we`re going to be working hard in the nights to find and teach families. Pray for it! Alma 6:6

We had a cool experience on saturday. President called to say that one of the sister missionaries had to go home to Honduras so she needed to go the mission home, but they couldnt contact her. My comp remembered them saying something about going to the area of Biancheri so we decided to just take the bus and pray that we would find them in their area to tell them they had to go to president`s house (it was kinda urgent). So we got in the bus to find them and were just praying that we would find them. We turned a corner and saw the Elders of that same area (there are four missionaries there) and we got off to ask them where they were going. They told us that they were headed to meet the sisters because the sisters had to show them where the recent converts lived because they were closing the area. Prayer answered! We found them and let them know what was going on. I think it`s important to look for God`s hand every day in this work.

Also, i contacted i guy on the street like a month ago because i felt the need to talk to him. And we just barely found his house...i had been going to the wrong direction and nobody was home. Now we are teaching him and his wife and they have lots of questions. Chelita isn`t really progressing because she didn`t go to church on sunday. But we`ll see what happens.

Oh and last night we were waiting for a taxi and we saw a CRAZY lady talking to herself and yelling at an invisible enemy. It was kinda nuts.

Love you all! Don`t forget to pray so we can take a family to church! We`re going to work hard for it!!!

Elder Henrie


The goal this week has been to get home every night exhausted...I`m tired! haha it`s been a fun week. They sent Elder Valenzuela to Coló of the more dangerous zones. And i`m with a really hard working comp.

President wrote me this week telling me that he wants these changes to be the best of my mission. I`m going to do everything possible to make that happen.

Sounds like Libs doin good. That`s great that she actually wants to do homework. Have her develop that habit haha

I`m really enjoying being a zone leader still in chorrera. It`s a good opportunity to love and serve and i feel like i still need to develop a lot of qualities. I`m pretty sure that that`s why president has had me here so long...because he wants me to develop patience and love :)

The book of mormon is true...José Remice received the priesthood on sunday! And i love being a missionary!!!

Elder Henrie

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