Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hard to believe that five years have passed already since James´ death. It seems like it´s gone by fast...and maybe slow as well haha hard to tell. I was thinking about him yesterday while we were teaching. It´s kind of hard to know what to say about. It´s a blessing to have the Gospel as you all said...but sometimes it just hurts. That´s how it needs to be though. We really should be willing to do whatever it takes to get back. That´s the only thing that matters.
The Gospel keeps changing lives in our area. We really did have a special experience yesterday. We were teaching the familia Gracia Almendra yesterday after lunch. We had taught them about the Church of Christ as he had established it in His time...so we were going to teach the Apostasy and the Restoration.
When we talked about Joseph Smith´s First Vision, the room was filled with the spirit. We asked the mom, Maira, how she was feeling. She said she could feel love...she said she felt something that she had never experienced before but really felt that what we were saying was the truth. William, the husband, felt the same and they both seemed so happy to hear the message. It is a really humble family and their young daughter, Liliana, is really intelligent and asks really good questions.
I felt in their home that Joseph Smith really was a prophet called of God. I know he was. It was one of those special experiences from the mission that I don´t think it would be possible to forget. I am excited for that family. They committed to go to church this coming Sunday and I would be so happy to see them there!
It is hard to see people that don´t have the Gospel after losing a loved one because they have nowhere to turn for comfort. But we do.
I love you all. Thanks :)
Elder Henrie

PS have fun in EUROPE!!!

I love you. Thinking about what you said about James´ friends sharing spiritual experiences that they had had because of James´ influence on their missions...i was trying to think of experiences I had had. I wasn´t sure of many specific moments when I realized that I have relied on his example many times in the mission. Every time i open the scriptures to share with people...i have his picture there. I have felt that understanding death better has helped me teach and comfort those that are going through it.
I remember that dad told me after we left the mortuary that I had to do whatever it takes to get back, that I had to obey the Gospel. It´s hard. Life has been hard. But it´s been easy for me to see that when I do obey, I´m happy. I am doing my best on my mission. It is very hard at times. I know that I won´t have a sinless mission, but I know I can give my best. It´s usually right at the end of a tough day when God blesses us.
There are so many times when your body just wants to go home because you are sore and tired haha but you force yourself to keep moving. It´s fun. Today will be a good relax day...we´re going to have a barbecue and eat A LOT.
Have an awesome trip this week! I hope all is well with Jessie and that there are no problems with the baby.
Mucho amor,
Elder Henrie

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