Monday, October 3, 2011

{I aM EnJoyING iT A LoT}

Hey mom!

Sorry about the camera card has a virus so i can´t use it in the office computers...they all got infected a couple of weeks ago and sister ward just fixed them all. So hopefully we´ll have time to go to some internet place to send pictures...if not, just know that that´s why i haven´t sent any :)

Conference was AWESOME! I read a talk message by Elder Uctdorf about preparing for conference and it talked about preparing questions to receive revelation during conference. All of the questions that I had written down were answered! When Elder Scott started the conference...I felt a really peaceful feeling that everything that would be said was true and that it came from God. I was still waiting for an answer to one of my questions when Elder Cook stood up in the last session...his talk answered very clearly what I had been thinking about.

During conference sessions on Sunday sister ward invited Janet and her two kids to go eat lunch at her turned into a big group of missionaries and investigators and I think it was a really good experience. (and the food was delicious) We met with Janet this week and she told us that she believes everything we teach and that she wished she would have found the church earlier in her life! She´s pretty much ready for baptism. She has honestly been one of the best investigators that I´ve had. And her twin kids are incredible. Their names are Ángel David and Sara...really cute kids and they love church!

Tracting time in our own area changes every week. We try to do divisions at least twice a week and a lot of times we do the office stuff at hours that don´t interfere with our work schedule. We are able to work in our own area about as much as other missionaries if we plan our time Elder Ardern said, we have to be masters of time. I liked that talk a lot and I feel like it helps me understand that there really is time to do everything that God wants us to do.

Honestly I have no idea about would be good to know how far in advance you have to sign up. If you do register me, sign me up for the football team...looks like they´re doing well :)

Thanks for teaching me what I have needed to know here in Panama. I am enjoying it a lot and I feel like God is pleased with the changes that so many people have made here in Panama! I am excited to see more changes and have more experiences with the Spirit. I hope all is well and that Dad can get feeling better. I´ll be sure to pray for him!

Mucho love,
Elder Henrie

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